
We express our deepest gratitude to the following for contributing to our important mission.

Hyland Orchard and Rapscallion Brewery – Sturbridge, MA
Rapscallion Brewery, Sturbridge, MA
Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Mass.
Cumulus Media – 100.1 FM The Pike
SoundSound 860-207-7304
Kats Pump Service 508-277-7482
Big Daddy Face Painting 774-289-2495
Kyle’s Automotive, Spencer, MA 508-885-6500
Brookfield Fire Battalion
Charter TV3, Worcester, Mass.
Cronin’s Cabinets – Charlton, MA
Dave’s Appliance, Inc., Brookfield, MA
Dick Chase and the Mill Boys 508-867-6023
Donna Ulisse, Nashville, Tennessee
Dunkin Donuts – Route 20 Fiskdale, MA
Central Package Store, Brookfield, MA 508-867-6035
Hadley Music Group, Nashville, TN
A-1 Parts, Inc., Brookfield, MA
Hauser Chocolatier
Heavenly Inspirations Gifts Ludlow, MA
Janice & Henry St. Hillaire
JetBlue Airways
Kaizen Sushi Bar & Grill, Sturbridge, MA 508-347-1088
Knight’s of Columbus Council 11080, West Brookfield, MA
Lamoureux’s Greenhouses – Brookfield, MA
Lydia Salnikova, Knoxville, TN
M-PACT-TV, Monson, Mass.
Mike Rogan, Landscape Artist
Milano Stone Company, Northboro, MA 508-393-3454
Mr. & Mrs. James Foyle
NAPA Auto Parts 508-867-9947
Natasha Borzilova, Nashville TN
North Brookfield Savings Bank
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish Brookfield & West Brookfield, MA
Price Chopper Supermarkets – Spencer, MA
Quaboag Equipment, Route 148, Brookfield, MA 508-867-6227
Quaboag Valley Baptist Church, Brookfield, MA
Regin’s Repair 413-477-6651
RoadID – It’s Who I Am
Ruben’s Transportation 508-765-0043
Shaw’s Supermarket, Sturbridge, MA
Steaming Tender Restaurant, Palmer, MA
Sunburst Restaurant 508-347-3097
Talbot Embroidery, Southbridge, MA 508-764-0555
The Boston Celtics
The Boston Red Sox
Hanna Devine’s Restaurant, Ware, MA 413-277-0707
The Centered Place – Warren, MA
The First Congregational Church of West Brookfield
The New England Patriots
The New Leader – Spencer, MA
The Otters 508-344-3115
PepsiCo Bottling Group
Tip Top Country Store- Brookfield MA
Uno Chicago Grill Restaurant, Sturbridge, MA 508-347-6420
Masterman’s, Auburn, MA 800-525-3313
Wayne Pate
BT Copy & Print, Ware, MA 508-248-3377
Yankee Candle, Sturbridge, MA 508-347-5500